January 27th, 2007:united for peace.org

eRobin at American Street writes:
The active branch of American Dirty F**king Hippies has organized another imperfect, complicated weekend of exercising your Constitutional rights to free speech, assembly and petition in this time of poltical PR calculations built around imperial slaughter. It’s 72 hours of protest and lobbying for peace. They want representatives from every Congressional district to be there. They want you to help. Transportation and housing need to be arranged.I don't don't know about revolution, but I've come to be increasingly skeptical of the notion that voting the democrats in is sufficient-- and it does seem as if the anti-war movement could use a shot in the arm.
Can’t get to D.C. on the 27th? That may be even better. Start the revolution where you are. Organize a demonstration of your own on that Saturday. Street corner, city hall, post office, federal building, bridge - get the permit, if one is required, start making calls, painting signs and telling the press now. Start circulating a petition against the war and drop it off at your congressperson’s district office on Monday the 29th.
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