Mike n' P!nk, etc

this is Mike Gravel's Myspace site. I wonder if Pink know his profile features one of her tracks("Dear Mister President"), and would she be tickled if she knew? Incidentally, Gravel was the person, back in the day, who read the Pentagon papers into the congressional record, to make sure they wouldn't "disappear into history."
Google disses Chile(and demonstrates the brave new web world isn't so infallible after all.)
speaking of Myspace and sundry web 2.0 phenomena, I've gotten word via one of my many newsletters that there's a new organization named A28.org that has created an "impeachspace" website, and has declared April 28th "the day the impeachment movement starts." Oh, A28. I get it, sort of. Why April 28th? This I still haven't figured out.
Labels: cartography, internet, music, myspace, politics, South America, web2.0
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