Yesterday on the news

woman in Tyre,Lebanon and bigshots in St Petersburg-- and Beirut.
Yesterday on the news they announced that the administration would in fact forgo making Americans ferried out of Beirut pay for the privilige. On Hardball Tucker Carlson said to Chris Matthews, "they're really taking a pounding in southern Lebanon. Not that they don't deserve it, but they're really taking a pounding." (?!!) Lebanese PM Siniora was on Larry King and noted that some 330 Lebanese have been killed by the Israeli aggression since July 12th, and also that Israel has never supplied the Lebanese government with a map of where they laid land mines in the south in the 70s and 80s before leaving the last time, which I'd never heard before. (Now both of CNN's English language websites don't show the casualty figures on the front page, not just the US version. I guess it was getting to be a bummer.) The Daily Star notes that Israeli shells struck Liban Lait, the country's largest dairy farm, as well as a pharmaceutical plant.
from Alertnet:(via McClatchie, here.)
TYRE, Lebanon, July 19 (Reuters) - Ghassan Bourji says he has run out of insulin for his two diabetic children and heart medication for his mother because Israeli bombardment has cut supplies to his village of Rmadiyeh in south Lebanon.
"I'm scared I might lose them," the 55-year-old father of four told Reuters by telephone from Rmadiyeh, south of Tyre. "The situation here is miserable. We need help."
Many villagers say food, water and medical supplies are dwindling after Israeli air and artillery strikes destroyed roads and bridges in the south, restricting humanitarian aid movement to areas hardest hit in the eight-day-old conflict.
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