every once in a while

the curtain drops, and we see what's behind it. In real life neither a little dog from Kansas nor an impertinent boy watching the parade is sufficient. But don't get cocky: they can pull the curtain right back to where it was when the uncomfortable moment has passed, because we're talking about adults, not little dogs and children. Adults are easier to train.
2 short quicktime movies-- watch the ad and don't gripe about it.
Do what you're told. Go on now.
1. "blame game"
2. "reporters gone wild"

"Pay No Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain!"
The original Wizard of Oz illustrations were by W. W. Denslow, and methinks they're still the best. (Denslow was an interesting character. He became rich and somewhat imbalanced late in life, bought his own island and declared himself king. O'Neill's Emperor Jones may have been loosely based on him.)
As you know, some literary critics feel that the most popular and enduring children's stories have a capacity to tap deep into our collective psyche and obliquely tell children subversive truths better left undeciphered.

Were Frank Baum and Denslow saying the wizard would be charming and congenial upon discovery only with a large lion breathing down his neck? What about the glasses? Perhaps ferocity without clarity of vision isn't enough? Of course Denslow was crazy, so don't listen to me...
I believe the Denslow illustrations are public domain, but I got them from
Mark Howells's interesting site, just so you know.
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