Bart: I don't know about your creative rumblings. Take some antacid. A film script'd be better. Blogs are the cyber equivalent of public access shows, or a the soapbox at Hyde Park.
Friday, January 31, 2003
Previous Posts
- Bart: We'll see, Skippy. Since you've switched t...
-, courtesy
- KaZaa's parent company is suing the MPAA. I say, G...
- I really am trying to fix my syntax problems. I t...
- Bart: Did you know Kevin McCarthy and Mary McCarth...
- Helen Thomas, veteran reporter of White House brie...
- As you can see, I still haven't got my links up-- ...
- From today's New York Times(24 Jan) The Senate, on...
- You Don't Get It. We're Creating JOBS! USA Today(...
- post deleted

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