Thursday, November 20, 2008

20 Nov 08

1956 Lincoln Continental Mk II,

I've been under the weather of late, hence the dearth of posting. However, Rob Payne has been doing a lot of posting recently at Dead Horse, HZ's sister site.

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Monday, November 10, 2008

The road to nowhere

From Talking Heads' Little Creatures, one of their last albums before they broke up, this is the original video from 1986. I think I was 22 the last time I saw this.

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Election 1960-- more from the internet archive

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Monaco 1982

When Alain Prost made one of his rare mistakes.

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Yma Sumac, "the Inca princess"

I'd just heard of Yma Sumac and her multi-octave voice fairly recently, and now it seems she passed away. Don't know who made this stylish short documentary about her. It reminds me of Cocteau and Welles, just a bit. It's entitled "La Castafiore Inca (Part I)". And no, I can't seem to locate part two. Is this it?

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Should you vote? Does it matter? pt 1

1.Noam Chomsky and the "lesser of two evils":

2."He Will Probably End the War" - Obama Rally in WI, via the Veracifier:

I note that The Real News has changed the title of the Chomsky piece. Now it's "Chomsky: In swing states vote Obama without illusions." Another video snippet of their talk with him is here: "Chomsky on the Economy."

As far as the Veracifier piece goes, I can't help but feel a little sad, and think that even though kids are supposed to see things as they are in an unvarnished light, the girl who adds the caveat "probably" is nevertheless apparently enthusiastic about the probable end of the war and the probable savior, even as her qualification suggests that his hemming and hawing has registered with her-- well,probably.

But back to the questions, and Mimi's question from about a week ago-- if you should vote, and if it makes any difference, and how do ordinary people do something about our lumbering, out-of-control empire?

I don't think not voting is a valid option, but I'm not quick to put down people who don't vote. Sure, maybe it's laziness, maybe it's contentment, in some quarters. But I imagine for many non-voters it's the sense that US Democracy is an incredibly extravagant dog-and-pony show, and who ends up winning is unlikely to matter terribly much. Is that so easy to refute?

At the YearlyKos convention, the mixed reception for Hillary Clinton is more evidence that the liberal blogosphere might not take sides in the coming Democratic primary.

The only candidate who was booed louder than Clinton at Saturday's presidential debate was the unlikely left-winger Dennis Kucinich. He made the mistake of aping one-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader, who regularly attacked the Democratic leadership as a bunch of sellouts. "Why don't people vote?" Kucinich asked, rhetorically. "It's because they don't think there is much of a difference between the two parties." The booing immediately drowned Kucinich out. He had committed a cardinal sin, demeaning the Democratic Party before a crowd that works countless unpaid hours a week to make the party stronger. He had also provided, inadvertently, another reason for Clinton to smile. The YearlyKos community may not be her most natural constituency, but it is also unlikely to be her enemy.

more recently, Xymphora writes:
A very big Republican loss would be very good for the United States, not because the Democrats will be much better (they won't), but because it will entail a complete reevaluation by the old-school Republicans of the fundamental nature of their party, and the forced removal of the Christian fruitcakes from mainstream American politics.

more later.(cross-posted at "Dead Horse")

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