the ides of October
skimble:"we are not better off today",
...For American voters who want a better economy, there is no other choice. The Democratic Party is now the party of business — they have won the title by default.
Mary Jo Foley,ZDNet: "Why are Windows machines automatically updating themselves?"
The mystery continues. After Patch Tuesday last week, some Vista users noticed that Windows Update had changed their Automatic Update settings and rebooted their machines without their consent. A Microsoft spokesman says the company has no idea what happened and is asking for help.
By John Dickerson, in Slate:"Rudy's Debating Secret: Why Giuliani keeps trouncing his opponents when they go head to head"
(summary: the secret appears to be-- he knows his facts, he thinks quickly on his feet, and he often seems to make a point to obscure the afore-mentioned facts in ways that are easy to miss in the to-and-fro of a debate.)
xymphora discusses the ever-powerful Armenian lobby
Dang it:the illustration the New Republic refused to run,meant to accompany an article about cursing. Via cursor.( no, really...)
Labels: microsoft, miscellany, politics, truly lazy blogging, Turkey
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