David Honish

photos from the Dallas Morning News
Unfortunately most people who hadn't heard of David Honish until this past Friday(above right) will think of him in terms of the above photo, a man shot and killed, possibly by his own brother(above left), found by the police in the cab of his pickup, hunched over with the motor running. I don't know why he was killed, but it's a double tragedy for this family, no matter the outcome.
I found out about Honish's untimely death from Fade at Rising Sons, who left a comment at HZ. I went to Rising Sons, where Fade has a nice memorial post, and references a March 2005 HZ post which referred to a Denton Record-Chronicle item about Honish, when his picture made the local Sunday paper.
That was when I first heard of David Honish, the former Vietnam vet and peace activist who was a pretty big part of the protest scene here in the North Texas area. He left a comment there, in fact, discussing his organization Vietnam Veterans Against War.
The photo below (with David on the right, with David Burnham) from 2006 is also from here in Denton, from one of his demonstrations near the UNT campus. I can't really say I knew him, our past tangential communication notwithstanding, but I can say he deserves to be honored and remembered.

photo via William Bowles
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