Sunday, May 04, 2003

According to Fat Boy Delgado:

"So that’s a bit like old Bush the other day on telly. Me and Tubs were watching it and we were on the fucking floor mate, laughing our bollocks off. Bush flies onto that aircraft carrier all dressed up like some fucker out of Top Gun only with Bush he just looks like the back end of a fucking pantomime horse in that all gear, mate. He’s a scream. You can’t help finding him comical. Not like old Blair. And the geezer on the BBC news made us laugh when he was commentating on it and he said that Bush did his national service by flying round Texas a couple of times and then ducking out of going to Vietnam.

I like Bush when he’s making his speeches. He’s like a cheeky little kid isn’t he. He always looks like there’s some fucker behind him tickling his arsehole with a feather. He looks like he wants to burst out laughing at the crap those bods have written for him to tell the American people. Not like Blair. Blair looks like he doesn’t think anyone’s going to swallow what he’s got to say but his eyes are bulging and his arms are flapping about because he really wants them to. “I say this to you..” or “I want to make this perfectly fucking clear..” and crap. And Blair just looks fucking stupid when his people slap a guitar in his hand and try and make him look a cool fella for the youth to get into. He just looks like an area manager for British Home Stores in a grey suit holding a guitar. Shape up, Tone.

But that speech old Bush gave on that ship was funny as fuck, mate. That guff about freedom and darkness and captives and light. He looked like he wanted to fall over side ways. He’d be much happier telling it straight. “These motherfuckers fronted us up so we bombed the shit out of them? Did we get the right ones? I don’t know, but if we didn’t we’ll bomb the fuck out of them too. God Bless America." Chutzpah, mate."

Unfortunately my permalinks aren't working correctly, otherwise you'd be able to see that this is from his May 3rd post.